Well the days are getting longer and thoughts turn to boating in 2016.
We've booked our crossing to the Lancaster Canal on the Ribble Link so that's where we will be going to start with. Who knows, perhaps we'll actually get to the Lancaster after several years of trying. Last year we were foiled by the collapse of a culvert on the branch of the Leeds & Liverpool to Tarleton. Let's hope it all works this year.
We're booked to go North from Tarleton on Wednesday 4 May and we come back on Monday 23 May. After that, Helen has suggested we travel without a clear plan for a change. However we do have vague ideas of going far South and taking Leo up the Basingstoke Canal. We cycled and walked the Basingstoke a lot when we lived in Woking, but perhaps it's time we took Leo up there. And on the way we might take in a few bits of the canal system that we seem to have missed. These include Braunston Locks and Tunnel, the Aylesbury Arm and the Birmingham and Fazeley. We'll see.
Anyone else heading for the Lancaster when we are there?
Hope to see some of our boating friends sometime in the summer.