Monday 23 September 2024

Cruising on Narrowboat Leo

 This blog post is published having completed our journey for 2024. We've looked back and see that this year we have travelled 721 miles and been through 554 locks. This is the ninth longest distance and the fifth greatest number of locks in our 13 years of spending summers cruising on Leo. In that time we have covered nearly 11,000 miles and been through almost 7,000 locks!

 So much for statistics, what of the future? Well we have been agonising over this decision for much of the summer this year, but we have decided to put Leo up for sale. We have a broker coming to see us tomorrow to put this into effect.

Why the decision? There are a number of reasons, but the fact is that we've been doing this for 13 years and we both believe that it is time for a change. We have visited nearly every corner of the connected waterways, most of them several times. Leo is getting older and the same must be said of us too. So we feel that now is the right time to move on. There are also some waterways that we can't readily reach on Leo, such as the Monmouth and Brecon and even perhaps the Caledonian Canal and we will have time to explore them on a hire boat. We will undoubtedly miss canal cruising and the people we have met on the waterways.

Thank you for following our adventures over the years.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, we have just calculated our stats for this year (pending our return) we have done 750 miles 497 locks! I'll compare it to previous years at some point, we know how to get around, don't we! 😂


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